
How to convert Celsius to Kelvin

The relationship between temperature in Celsius (ToC) and temperature in Kelvin (TK) is given below:

ToC = TK - 273.15

Alternatively, it can also be written as:

ToC + 273.15 = TK

TK - ToC = 273.15


To convert 100 Celsius into Kelvin, 273.15 is added to it:

(100 oC) + 273.15 = 373.15 K


The degree Celsius is a unit of temperature on the Celsius scale. The degree Celsius (symbol: oC) refers to a specific temperature on the Celsius scale or a unit to indicate a difference between two temperatures. Since 1743 the Celsius scale has been based on 0 oC for the freezing point of water and 100 oC for the boiling point of water at 1 atm pressure.


The Kelvin is the base unit of temperature in the International System of Units (SI), having the unit symbol K. It uses absolute zero as its null point. On the Kelvin scale, pure water freezes at 273.15 K, and it boils at 373.15 K.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick Celsius to Kelvin conversion table is given below:

-273.15 oC0 K
-250 oC23.15 K
-200 oC73.15 K
-150 oC123.15 K
-100 oC173.15 K
-50 oC223.15 K
0 oC273.15 K
50 oC323.15 K
100 oC373.15 K
150 oC423.15 K
200 oC473.15 K
250 oC523.15 K
300 oC573.15 K