
How to convert knots to kilometers per hour

1 knot is equal to 1.852 kilometers per hour:

1 kn = 1.852 km/h

When a speed V in knots is multiplied by 1.852, it gives speed in kilometers per hour.

Vkm/h = Vkn × 1.852


To convert 20 knots into kilometers per hour, it is multiplied by 1.852:

(20 kn) × 1.852 = 37.04 km/h


Miles per hour is a unit of speed equal to the the number of nautical miles traveled in one hour. One knot is exactly equal to 1.852 km/h. The unit symbols are kn or kt.

A nautical mile is a unit of length used in air, marine, and space navigation, and for the definition of territorial waters. Historically, it was defined as one minute (160 of a degree) of latitude along any line of longitude. Presently, the international nautical mile is defined as exactly 1852 meters.

Kilometers per hour

The kilometers per hour is a unit of speed (scalar quantity) and velocity (vector quantity). It is equal to the distance traveled a body in kilometers in one hour. The SI symbols is km/h, and abbreviations are kph, kmph, km/hr.

Quick Conversion Table

The quick knot to kilometer per hour conversion table is given below:

KnotsKilometers per hour
10 kn18.52 km/h
20 kn37.04 km/h
30 kn55.56 km/h
40 kn74.08 km/h
50 kn92.6 km/h
60 kn111.12 km/h
70 kn129.64 km/h
80 kn148.16 km/h
90 kn166.68 km/h
100 kn185.2 km/h